Stop "Stop the Spread!"

Welcome to COVID-19 Truth

We are a community dedicated to spreading the truth about COVID-19 and refuting fake websites - in particular Stop the Spread. Our mission is to counter the fear-mongering and misinformation that is being spread by mainstream media and governments.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been blown out of proportion by those in power to gain control and implement their own agendas. We believe that by exposing the truth, we can fight back against the lies and regain our freedom.

Our community is made up of individuals who are committed to finding the truth and sharing it with others. We believe that by working together, we can uncover the real facts and protect our rights.

As a community, we understand that the pandemic has had a significant impact on many individuals, but we also recognize that the harm caused by the government's response is much greater than the virus itself. We are here to provide support and resources to those who have been adversely affected by lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and other government policies.

Join us in our mission to uncover the truth about COVID-19. Together, we can fight back against the lies and protect our freedom.

COVID-19 Myths

Here are some common myths about COVID-19 also told here that have been spread by mainstream media and government officials:

  • Myth: COVID-19 is a deadly virus that poses a significant threat to public health.
    Truth: COVID-19 has a survival rate of over 99%, and the vast majority of those who contract the virus experience only mild symptoms. The virus primarily affects those who are already in poor health or who have underlying medical conditions.
  • Myth: Lockdowns and other government policies are necessary to stop the spread of COVID-19.
    Truth: Lockdowns and other government policies have not been effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19, and have caused significant harm to individuals and society as a whole. The virus will continue to circulate until herd immunity is achieved, which can be achieved through natural infection or vaccination.
  • Myth: COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.
    Truth: COVID-19 vaccines have not undergone long-term safety testing, and there are concerns about their safety and efficacy. Vaccine adverse reactions and deaths have been reported, and the long-term effects of the vaccines are unknown. It is important for individuals to make informed decisions about vaccination and to weigh the potential risks and benefits.
  • Myth: Masks are effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19.
    Truth: The effectiveness of masks in preventing the spread of COVID-19 is uncertain, and studies have produced conflicting results. There are also concerns about the potential negative effects of wearing masks, such as reduced oxygen intake and increased risk of bacterial infections.

COVID-19 Data

Here are some key statistics related to COVID-19:

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